Saturday, November 22, 2008

The New V-Lo

So, I've recently been inspired to renew the old me. As in bring back the old me but make her better. Better style, better poetics, better person -- All original. The timing for the new V-Lo has to be perfect. I think I'm going to pop out here and there with little slivers of creative genius then I will give them the whole package. This is a long time coming. It's just that being up over in school has dulled me. Since I go there in 10th grade I haven't written anything great and Ive stopped caring about my writing and my style. It's as if my mind had a creativity switch and SBS turned it off. Its sad, but as the same with mntal illnessses, once you realizethe probelm you can work to solve it. I like lists so I'm going to list ways I can solve my issues.
1- Find poetry clubs
2- Write and have people critique it
3- Read/ listen to other people poetics
4- Find time to work with City on developing lyrics
5- Keep listening to real rap...The one with actual messages

Style-wise, there is only one solution: Buy whatever I like. Even in my state of not caring I realize that my stlye is different from most of the people I know. I don't follow trends or what's in. My motto: If you like it, buy it. It doesn't matter if the stars are wearing it or if it cost 20 million dollars. all that matters is that you look good. I've always followed that.

Swaggerosity rating:5*10